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Stages of Cursillo

The Fourth Day

The most important stage for a member of Cursillo (Pronounced as Cur-see-o) is called the ‘Fourth Day’ which may seem very strange, but we will tell you about the first ‘Three days’ later.

The ‘Fourth Day is Cursillo shorthand for:

Group Reunions

To support us in our ‘Fourth Day’ small groups of Cursillistas (pronounced as Cur-see-is-tas and meaning a member of Cursillo) come together on a regular basis to share their Christian life. Anybody is most welcome to join a Reunion even before you come a member of Cursillo.


To support us even further, members of Cursillo come together for a larger meeting to share with one another as members together, so that we can receive strength to go onwards in the service of Christ and His Church.

Cursillo Weekend

This is the first ‘Three Days’. So as to support you we ask that you attend a three day weekend residential course. For those who may be a little unsure of their Christian faith we hope to explain the Christian message and show that they have a ministry within their church and how to carry it out. Even for those who are confident in their faith the course helps to reinforce that faith